Friday 3 March 2023

Tata Group’s talks over $1 billion Bisleri stake stall




Tata Group’s talks over $1 billion Bisleri stake stall

Although many big companies offered to buy the water bottling company Bisleri, Bisleri showed interest in selling it to the Tata Group. Sources say that Bisleri said it wanted $1 billion and the Tata Group refused saying it was not that much. However, according to reliable sources, the talks between the two companies are almost over.

The Bisleri company started in 1949 by Shri Jayantilal Chauhan has joined hands with an Italian company in 1969. Jayantilal Chauhan split his soft drinks business between his two sons in 1970s. Ramesh Chauhan, sells bottled water and soft drinks. 60% of Indians prefer Bisleri for bottled drinking water. The Tata Group believes that a tie-up with Bisleri, which already runs water bottling company Tata Plus, can make a big impact in the market.



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